Ian's New CD Widget!!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Ian's Vlog Episode 2

Phoenix Vlog 02

Friday was our big, long day. We had soundcheck, a lunch meeting with the conductor Lawrence Golan, our first and only rehearsal with the orchestra, and then finally, our first performance of the weekend.

Rehearsal was a tad stressful for me, but it had its moments. My stress may have largely been caused from my position on the stage, as it was hard to hear the orchestra in its proper context. There were subtle arrangemental ideas that were not getting to my ears, which made me wonder if my volume directions were incorrect, the symphony just weren't trying hard enough, or whether it was just an audio issue. Unless somebody records the show from the audience perspective (which thanks to BS Union restrictions is bloody unlikely!), I may never know whether my work was well enough constructed to translate properly in a very reverberant concert hall.

The first show went quite a bit better than rehearsal did. The audience enjoyed the show, and a few of the orchestral musicians were kind enough to approach me with words of congratulations on the scoring. That means a lot, because these people see everything from crappy pop shows to high-end classics.

Anyway... enjoy the Vlog, and I"ll give you another update tomorrow.

Cheers from Arizona!


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